Workshop on EU Directives in the field of public procurement organized in cooperation with the SIGMA initiative

//Workshop on EU Directives in the field of public procurement organized in cooperation with the SIGMA initiative

On 23th April 2018, within framework of permanent cooperation with the Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures, the SIGMA/OECD initiative organised the workshop on new EU Directives in the area of public procurement. The event was organized in the premises of Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures and it was attended by Members and employees of the Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures.

Erika Bozzay, senior adviser for public procurement, addressed the participants by an introductory speech, on behalf of the SIGMA/OECD initiative.

Steen Bruun-Nielsen, SIGMA expert , was talking about how are the public procurement procedures, such as competitive dialogue, e-auction, innovation partnership, defined by the EU 2014 Directives  on public procurement. Besides, he was talking about the segments of the EU 2014 Directives on public procurement related to so called self-cleaning mechanisms as a ground for exclusion, calculation of the life-cycle costs as a part of planning process and process of evaluation of bids in public procurement, as well as about the issues related the changing of a contract.

Zoran Blažević, also a SIGMA expert, was talking about the e-procurement system in Croatia, and about new practice related to changing of bids, with particular emphasis on the following topics: supplementing of bids, protection of the main principles of public procurement, practice of Court of Justice of the EU in the area of public procurement, as well as practice of the State Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement Procedures of the Republic of Croatia.



2018-09-07T10:02:38+00:007. 09. 2018.|News|