The Republic Commission works and decides in three-member panels, except where otherwise provided for by the PPL.
The composition of panels is governed by the provision of Article 198 of the PPL, and the way of organizing the work of the Republic Commission is governed in more detail by the Rules of Procedure.
Valid decision making at a panel session requires the presence of all members of the panel, and decisions are taken by a majority vote of the panel members, who cannot abstain.
The Republic Commission may also decide at a general session, convened by President of the Republic Commission or upon request of at least 4 Members, comprising President and at least six members.
Pursuant to the provisions of the PPL, general session is the venue in which the Republic Commission adopts binding legal positions concerning the application of legislation within its competences, adopts its Rules of Procedure, decides in acting upon the Administrative Court’s decision rendered in an administrative proceedings that has annulled a Republic Commission’s decision, and determines legal positions regarding the application of legislation under its competences in order to harmonize legal practice of the Republic Commission’s panels.
Decisions taken at the general session require a two-thirds majority of votes of the President of the Republic Commission and all of its Members.