Most frequent mistakes noticed in public procurement procedures

//Most frequent mistakes noticed in public procurement procedures

Respected users, we would like to inform you that Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures, in cooperation with the SIGMA/OECD programme has prepared the document Analysis of most frequent mistakes noticed in public procurement procedures during implementation of public procurement procedures.

Analyzing the decisions taken, certain contracting authorities’ irregular actings which may be characterized as frequent have been noticed, so it is necessary to indicate them to contracting authorities in order to decrease both such actings and the number of requests for protection of rights. Republic Commission has taken 1370 decisions in total in 2016. upon submitted requests for protection of rights. Out of that number the Commission has partially annulled 656 public procurement procedures, while 126 procedures have been annulled fully/in total. Based on those decisions, an analysis has been prepared and it was noticed that certain contracting authorities’ irregular actings may be considered as frequent. Therefore, we want to underline that the main aim of the document is to turn contracting authorities’ attention to such irregular actings, aiming to decrease the number of such contracting authorities’ mistakes and consequently to decrease the number requests for protection of rights in total. Informing the contracting authorities about most frequent mistakes within the scope of their activities and future decrease of such mistakes will give an incentive to the improvement of the entire Serbian public procurement system. The analysis is being focused on irregular actings in the following 11 segments:

  1. Technical specifications
  2. Financial capacity
  3. Business capacity
  4. H&R capacity
  5. Technical capacity
  6. Criteria for contract award
  7. Incompletely determined factual state
  8. Abnormally low price.
  9. Unexplained expert evaluation of tenders/bids
  10. Wrong evaluation of the presented evidences

Rejection of bids due to “formal” imperfectionsFull document in English may be downloaded here:
Analysis of most frequent mistakes noticed in public procurement procedures during implementation of public procurement procedures-eng.pdf

2019-03-01T09:17:55+00:0017. 07. 2017.|News|